Application Security

Embed security in your business application development lifecycle

It can cost up to 30 X more to remediate vulnerabilities post-code release compared to identifying during the design phase

Implement DevSecOps, security focused, continuous delivery, software development life cycle (SDLC)

Secure your security application development with continuous security unit tests SAST, DAST and IAST

“Dragonfly's integrated and innovative approach to automation is transforming the way Telstra Purple team work, leading to incredible productivity gains”

Aaron Eisler,

Head of Automation and Robotics @ Telstra Purple

Get in touch with a security expert to discover how we can help

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Dragonfly Application Security Services

Automated Code Vulnerability Tools

Cloud-based and hybrid solutions to provide automated code analysis to protect your business applications. Offerings include SAST (static analysis security testing), DAST (dynamic analysis security testing) and IAST (Interactive Application Security Testing)

Secure Code Review

Support from our experienced security engineers to assess and ensure your business application code is secure.

Secure Architecture Review

Review your application design components and assesses their vulnerabilities against best practices and current known threats.

Threat Modelling

Early-stage risk assessment to identify and detect threats as the application is in development, rather than wait for its completion, allowing for fast vulnerability discovery.

Container Security

Professional service engagements and tools to support developers quickly identify and remediate container vulnerabilities.

Secure Code Training

Empower developers with knowledge of the OWASP Top 10 and how to avoid the most critical web application security risks in their day-to-day development, creating code that has a strong security pedigree built in.

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Penetration Testing

Your information systems are the backbone of your business operations. Penetration tests ensure security vulnerabilities are identified before they are exploited.

Security Identity & Access

Secure authentication and login solutions that seamlessly integrate with your business and protect your data.

Modern Application Integration & Development

Bespoke service engagements to support system integration or develop your next business application.