Enterprise Application Security

Embed modern security across your application development lifecycle

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We help companies secure enterprise applications  

Dragonfly Application Security solutions encompass all aspects of the development lifecycle, from code vulnerability assessments, architecture and container security through to developer training. Each component plays a critical role in ensuring your enterprise applications have robust and secure code, free from vulnerabilities.

Automated Code Vulnerability Tools

We partner with leading vulnerability vendors to deliver automated code analysis to protect your business applications. Offerings include SAST (static analysis security testing), DAST (dynamic analysis security testing) and IAST (Interactive Application Security Testing)

Secure Architecture Review

Review your application design components and assesses their vulnerabilities against best practices and current known threats. Implement DevSecOps, security focused, continuous delivery, software development life cycle (SDLC)

Container Security

Professional service engagements and tools to support developers quickly identify and remediate container vulnerabilities

Secure Code Review

Support from our experienced security engineers to assess and ensure your business application code is secure

Threat Modelling

Early-stage risk assessment to identify and detect threats as the application is in development, rather than wait for its completion, allowing for fast vulnerability discovery

Secure Code Training

Bespoke security programs to provide threat intelligence and empower developers with secure application development skills to implement in to their day-to-day activity

We partner with leading security, cloud, and network vendors

Proven partner ecosystem to provide your business with options and flexibility.